Saturday, April 7, 2012


While the ship traveled to Shanghai, I was 1 of 97 people who traveled with the ship. I was regretting it because everyone else was on the Great Wall, but I ended up having THE BEST TIME! I had several friends who were in transit too, so we had 2 free days. The first day, I caught up on sleep and woke up to eat. For dinner they had "special occasion dining" for free. On a regular day, we can buy this dining that is like eating at a restaurant and not a buffet of Pasta, Pork, and Potatoes. We had a movie night/ sleep over because my roommate was gone..shh! The second day, the All Star game was playing, so I watched that while writing my Viet Nam blog, and homework. Then, we bought day passes to the Sauna/Steam room for a little pampering. I had a great time and it was really nice how quiet the ship was. On a regular day at sea, it is IMPOSSIBLE to find a quiet place to study, so this was especially nice. The time flew by and the ship pulled to Shanghai, China!!! Who goes to China?! This girl.

Here is a picture of my cabin before 3 months of collecting stuff from around the world. I am the blue bed. The floor is not currently visible. It got to a point that my cabin steward came in to clean and threw all of my clothes from the floor in to a big trash bag. haha Just like at home!

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