Saturday, April 7, 2012

my cousin calls it Honk Honk

Hong Kong is not in China. The people of Hong Kong make that very clear. When asking if their relatives are from the Mainland China, they got really offended, and made said "oh no!! We are all from Hong Kong!"

I have come to the conclusion that the richest people in the world live in South Africa, Singapore, and Hong Kong. While most of the people on the ship traveled to Beijing for our week in China, I stayed in Hong Kong for 2 days, was in transit with the ship for 2 days, and then spent the last 3 days in Shanghai. I did not go to see the Great Wall of China because I had 3 required class trips planned during this stop. It would have been another “India” independent travel, and I couldn't risk missing my trips that are for class credit. Both days in Hong Kong were spent on FDPs. The first was a Family Insight Tour where we visited a community center at government housing facilities. Here, we learned about how families typically work, and where they live. The center provides educational services for kids, the aged, and everyone else. After a Q&A with volunteer students, we visited a families home for some tea. Here we saw how a family of 4 can live in a space the size of 1 standard bedroom. After spending some time there, we went to a local market to see where people get their things from. It was similar to the market in Cambodia, but a lot smaller.

After my FDP I spent the rest of the day in the largest mall that was attached to the cruise terminal. I have fallen almost everyday while in Asia. 2 days in a row I fell in Viet Nam. The first time I scraped my knee, the 2nd time, I fell and got 4 HUGE bruises all up and down both legs. The first day in Hong Kong I fell again and sliced my toe. My professor told me that this is pretty common. Because I have been living on a ship for 3 months, I am not used to a floor that does not move. It will take some time to get used to walking again, just like it took time to get my sea legs. That, and I'm just clumsy.

For my FDP on the 2nd day, I had no idea what I was in for. My trip was called “Sustainable Cities: Is high-density the new green?” I did not read any of my trip descriptions before signing up because they are required regardless. SO, I showed up for this FDP thinking we would be in a museum or presentation or something. NO. I wore my toms (with a hurt toe) and skinny jeans, and got all dressed up. When I showed up, I was told that we were going to be hiking 7 miles through rough terrain. GREAT. I had no choice but to suck it up and go. I had no water, snacks, anything. Luckily they provided lunch and water, but I was still not dressed properly. The first half of the day was on an urban walking tour where we saw development projects and walked through the city. The second half, we ventured up to Victoria's Peak which is the highest point in Hong Kong, and much like a jungle. It was nice to see this side of the city because I would have never thought there was any greenery in Hong Kong had I not gone on this trip. I ended this day again in the mall...Luckily, this was a really upscale mall so I could not afford the Prada and Coach stores.

I would like to go back to Hong Kong someday, but I feel like I will return to a place like Cambodia first. The next 2 days I would be at sea until we arrive in Shanghai!

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